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Updated Seniority Lists

Updated Seniority lists for ComEd/BSC & Exelon employees have been published. The lists have been distributed to and circulated by our Stewards and Chief Stewards, and are also available to view on our website at as well. Local 15 strongly urges all employees to verify their information for accuracy. As a reminder, Article III, Section 4 of the CBA states:

“In the absence of objection by the Union to changes from the previously approved list, within thirty days of the date on which the revised list is submitted, such changes shall be considered approved.”

It is each member’s responsibility to verify their own information. Any errors or inaccuracies on the seniority list should be reported to Local 15 immediately using the Seniority and Lateral Date Change Form located on Local 15’s website. This can be done by clicking on the Seniority Lists link on the Local 15 homepage.

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