Due to the ongoing Pandemic protocols, the 2021 Lineworker Skills Competition has been postponed until 2022.
The competition was revived in 2019 after a long term hiatus of the then called Linemans Rodeo. The Rodeo was an extremely popular event in the mid 1990s and was held at the Joliet Training Center. The original Rodeo was a family friendly event that showcased the skills utilized by the trades in the daily performance of their work.
The 2019 competition was also extremely successful, using the same basic format of family friendly events with additions of food carts and music entertainment. This event spawned plans for a 2020 expansion of the 2019 format to include both the Underground and Sub Station Construction work groups.
The plans for a return to competition are underway and will make the 2022 Lineworkers Skills Competition a resounding success. Keep your eyes, and schedule, open.