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Know Your Contract

Collective Bargaining Agreement and Supplement to Collective Bargaining Agreement between Commonwealth Edison Company & Exelon Business Services Company and IBEW Local 15

ARTICLE III - Seniority, Promotions, Transfers, Layoffs, Reemployment

3. Length of employment in the Company shall be "service." Length of employment in a particular job classification within the Commercial Physical department within the Company shall be "seniority." Service and seniority will be in accordance with the Company's records, but cannot include time spent in the Company prior to a break in service that has not been joined. If two (2) or more employees are promoted to the same job classification on the same date, their seniority order in their new job classification shall be determined by the seniority they had in the job classifications from which they were promoted.

4. During the term of this Agreement, the Company will semi-annually supply to the Union lists showing seniority and service of regular Commercial Physical employees. These lists shall show, by promotional series and job classification, the following: (a) employee's name; (b) seniority; (c) service. In the absence of objection by the Union to changes from the previously approved list, within thirty (30) days of the date on which the revised list is submitted, such changes shall be considered approved. In addition, during the term of this Agreement the Company will semi-annually supply to the Union lists showing the job classification and promotional service date of regular clerical employees. In the absence of objection by the Union to changes from the previously approved list, within thirty (30) days of the date on which the revised list is submitted, such changes shall be considered approved.

5. Bi-weekly the Company will inform the Union of personnel changes that affect the respective Commercial Physical and Clerical seniority lists.

6. A job classification shall be "higher" when it carries a higher schedule maximum. "Promotion" shall mean advancement to a higher job classification.

7. In cases of promotion to higher job classifications within the bargaining unit, the factors to be considered shall be ability and seniority for Commercial Physical employees and ability and promotional service date for Clerical employees. Where the ability of the employees under consideration is substantially equal, the employee highest on the applicable list will be the one promoted. In case of promotion, if the employee who is highest on the applicable list is not selected, the employee shall be informed by the Company of the reason why they were not promoted. The Union will be furnished the names of employees not promoted in accordance with the above. Eligibility for promotion will be in accordance with the attached Exhibit B, except as hereinafter provided.

8. When a vacancy occurs or when a new position is created within the bargaining unit above the entrance job classifications, if no employee is promoted in accordance with the promotional lists (Exhibit B), the Company shall post a notice on bulletin boards, for a period of ten (10) calendar days, excluding Sundays and holidays, announcing the open position. (The entrance job classifications referred to are those indicated on the promotional list, Exhibit B.) Employees desiring to be considered should make written application setting forth their qualifications. Employees who do not make application within the period of posting of the notice shall have no grievance.

Collective Bargaining Agreement and Supplement to Collective Bargaining Agreement between Constellation Generation and IBEW Local 15

ARTICLE III - Seniority, Promotions, Transfers, Layoffs, Reemployment

3. Length of employment in the Company shall be "service." Length of employment in a particular job classification within the Nuclear Physical department within the Company shall be "seniority." Service and seniority will be in accordance with the Company's records, but cannot include time spent in the Company prior to a break in service that has not been joined. If two (2) or more employees are promoted to the same job classification on the same date, their seniority order in their new job classification shall be determined by the seniority they had in the job classifications from which they were promoted. Seniority in a Clerical job classification within the Company shall be based upon promotional service date. Promotional service date shall be in accordance with the Company's records and shall include only service spent in Clerical job classifications and not Company service spent prior to a break in service which has not been joined or time spent in a production or maintenance job classification.

4. During the term of this Agreement, the Company will semi-annually supply to the Union lists showing seniority and service of regular Nuclear Physical employees. These lists shall show, by promotional series and job classification, the following: (a) employee's name; (b) seniority; (c) service. In the absence of objection by the Union to changes from the previously approved list, within thirty (30) days of the date on which the revised list

is submitted, such changes shall be considered approved. In addition, during the term of this Agreement the Company will semi-annually supply to the Union, lists showing the job classification and promotional service date of regular Clerical employees. In the absence of objection by the Union to changes from the previously approved list, within thirty (30) days of the date on which the revised list is submitted, such changes shall be considered approved.

5. Bi-weekly the Company will inform the Union of personnel changes that affect the respective Nuclear Physical and Clerical seniority lists.

6. A job classification shall be "higher" when it carries a higher schedule maximum. "Promotion" shall mean advancement to a higher job classification.

7. In cases of promotion to higher job classifications within the bargaining unit, the factors to be considered shall be ability and seniority for Nuclear Physical employees and ability and promotional service date for Clerical employees. Where the ability of the employees under consideration is substantially equal, the employee highest on the applicable list will be the one promoted. In case of promotion, if the employee who is highest on the applicable list is not selected, the employee shall be informed by the Company of the reason why they were not promoted. The Union will be furnished the names of employees not promoted in accordance with the above. Eligibility for promotion will be in accordance with the attached Exhibit B, except as hereinafter provided.

8. When a vacancy occurs or when a new position is created within the bargaining unit above the entrance job classifications, if no employee is promoted in accordance with the promotional lists (Exhibit B), the Company shall post a notice on bulletin boards, for a period of ten (10) calendar days, excluding Sundays and holidays, announcing the open position. (The entrance job classifications referred to are those indicated on the promotional

list, Exhibit B.) Employees desiring to be considered should make written application setting forth their qualifications. Employees who do not make application within the period of posting of the notice shall have no grievance.

Chris Riser
President / Business Manager / Financial Secretary
Ben Busser
Vice President / Senior Assistant Business Manager

IBEW LOCAL 15 | 6330 Belmont Road,  Suite 1 | Downers Grove,  IL 60516

Union Office - (630) 515-0381 | Union Fax - (630) 515-0835

© 2025 by IBEW Local 15 - All Rights Reserved

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