President McGoldrick, Vice-President Busser, Assistant Business Managers Chris Riser and Mike Freeman attended the Illinois State Conference of IBEW from April 18th through April 20th. President McGoldrick is the Executive Board member that represents the Utilities throughout the state. He ran unopposed and was elected to another 2 year term in this position on April 20th. There were several speakers in attendance including Tim Drea (President IL AFL/CIO), Don Harmon (IL Senate President), Michael Frerichs (IL State Treasurer), David Welter(State Representative), Nikki Budzinski (State Representative candidate), Jay Hoffman (State Representative), Mark Luft (State Representative), and John Lowder (lobbyist). President McGoldrick spoke to the Conference about the sudden loss of our previous Vice President Billy Phillips as well as the work those 2 put in on the Climate and Equitable jobs Act which provided a rate making process that allows ComEd to invest in electrical infrastructure and kept our Nuclear fleet from premature closure.