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Mobile Field Training Facility

On February 18th, ComEd gave a sneak peak of the newest addition to its Training Fleet, the Underground Operations Trailer. While the trailer has some final touches yet to be done, it should prove as valuable to those working in the field as the Overhead Distribution Automation trailer did just a short time ago.

The pad-mounted training equipment includes an Eaton capacitor bank, a S&C Intellirupter, and a S&C Vista switchgear. These devices are all operable at low voltage with no presence of high voltage, for safety, and they can run on either shore power or off of a generator. The control panels will be programable and operational, which will allow field personnel to be able to get hands on, real world training on these devices.

Hydraulically operated side-wings will fold up for transport and down for training sessions. The decks of the wings will be ‘grit painted’ for safety.

The rollout is expected in late April, after which a special team of trainers will be brought up to speed and begin training sessions with their coworkers.


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