Springfield, Il - April 11th and 12th
President McGoldrick spoke at the conference as a State Executive Board Member and the State Utility Representative. (Pictured Below)

Local 15 Reps Business Reps (Pictured below, left to right) Jim Collins and Shawn Wachter, Senior Assistant Business Manager Chris Riser, President Terry McGoldrick, Vice President Ben Busser, Senior Assistant Business Manager Mike Freeman and Business Rep Brian Daniels attended the Conference. Guest Speakers included; Sharon Chung - 91st District Representative, Nikki Budzinski - 13th District Representative, Tim Drea - Illinois AFL-CIO President, Joe Duffy - Climate Job Illinois Executive Director, Marcus C. Evans, Jr. - 33rd District Representative, Don Finn - 5th District Business Manager IBEW Local 134, Mike Clemmons - IBEW Sixth District Vice President, Stephanie Kifowit - Personnel and Pensions Committee 84th District Representative, John Lowder - Lobbyist, Doris Turner - 48th District Senator. Local 15 Reps were grouped with other IBEW Illinois Utilities to discuss the current state of each local. Senior Assistant Business Manager Chris Riser updated the group on Local 15 ‘s Fiber work, the T&D Logistics agreement and membership, including the most recent hiring and apprentice numbers. L15 Reps heard reports from IBEW locals 19, 51, 109, 300, 702 and 2285.