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Dresden & Byron Visits and Press Release

President Terry McGoldrick and Vice President Bill Phillips along with Business Representatives Tom Hinspeter and Ben Busser visited Dresden and Byron following the signing of legislation. They were at Dresden on Thursday September 16th and Byron on September 17th. The purpose of these visits was to thank the Local 15 members that remained patient and hung in there with us through the legislative efforts. As President McGoldrick has said several times, these people have had to work additional overtime, shift changes, work shorthanded and perform work error free through a pandemic all the while not knowing if they would have a job or not. The stress put on all of our members and their families at Dresden and Byron was immense. Many members thanked President McGoldrick and VP Phillips on their work in Springfield. Many of these members have told us they were now able to relax and a weight has been lifted off of them.

Following the visit at Byron on September 17th, President McGoldrick held a press release for those politicians that helped us preserve these Nuclear jobs. Speakers at this Press Release included Senator Sure Rezin, Senator Steve Stadelman, Representative Dave Vella, Representative Tom Demmer, Representative Maurice West, and Representative Jeff Keicher. These legislators among others were essential to passing Senate Bill 2408 and we need to remember them come election time. The legislators thanked all the employees and some joked this was the first time they saw President Terry McGoldrick with a smile on his face. Some Byron and Dresden Nuclear Plant workers, Byron Superintendent and Byron School Board President were among those in the crowd. Byron is currently in a refueling outage and Dresden is preparing for a refueling outage in November. Please work safely throughout the Fall outage season and once again thank you for remaining patient while President Terry McGoldrick and Vice President Bill Phillips fought for you in Springfield!

Chris Riser
President / Business Manager / Financial Secretary
Ben Busser
Vice President / Senior Assistant Business Manager

IBEW LOCAL 15 | 6330 Belmont Road,  Suite 1 | Downers Grove,  IL 60516

Union Office - (630) 515-0381 | Union Fax - (630) 515-0835

© 2025 by IBEW Local 15 - All Rights Reserved

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