My name is Sheena Williams. I have been with the company for 25 years. I was a Customer Sales Representative for 15 yrs. Then I moved to an NCR for 1 year. Next, I accepted a GSR role, which I have done since 2013. I have also been a Local 15 Steward since 2013. I am a Bapp representative, a member of the Safety council, and an emergency evacuation representative. Before starting with ComEd I served in the United States Army for 10 years.
I went to college to be a stenographer, which was my dream job.
I am the 9th child in my family, and the Youngest girl. I have 2 kids & 5 GrandDivas.
I plan to retire in 3 years. I would love to live in Amsterdam after retirement via Arizona.
I am a huge giver.
I am loud, fun and I love to travel.
Thank you, Sheena, for you service to Local 15!