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Sam Studer Bids Farewell

Sam Studer announced that he will retire on January 28th, 2022 ending nearly 38 years of service to Local 15 and ComEd . Sam began his career with ComEd as a Station Laborer on the 22nd of March 1983. From there he began his Overhead career by attending Overhead 500v volt school in Joliet in November of 1989. Be-coming a Journeyman Lineman in March of 1992 and Crew Leader in September of 2003, he spent almost all of his career in South region's Joliet Reporting center. During this time Sam was awarded the ComEd Award for Saving a Human Life on July 17th, 1986 when he saved a customers' life after a severe auto accident.

Sam was always an active Union member even before his official career began. He always took special effort to support and ensure the union members he worked with were treated fairly and that safety was in the forefront of all his jobs, even when it may not have made him popular with those in charge. He took the opportunity to step into a stewards roll in February of 2006 he never looked back. He continued in that roll until becoming a Chief Steward on June 1st 2010. During his tenure in these rolls Sam earned a reputation as an ardent and passionate defender of the union.

Sam's dedication led to his being named South Regions' Business Representative on January 1st 2012.

Sam spent endless hours of service to his region thru his in depth involvement in all aspects and for all departments. He was also assigned to Safety point person for Local 15, participating in numerous initiatives, as well as traveling to see what worked well for other locals and companies, and what did not. He also participated in numerous important negotiations during his tenure as a Business Rep including the Overhead Distribution Lead Crew Leader package, OHT Equipment Mechanic, OHT Aerial addendum, and the AMI Agreement to name several. To strengthen his skillset Sam attended many schools and conferences, they included the IBEW/University of Illinois Arbitration institute, multiple state conferences, membership development, IBEW New Organizer Boot Camp, and most importantly, many Safety Conferences. His election to the 38th IBEW International Convention held in Vancouver BC in 2011, the 39th IBEW International Convention held in St. Louis in 2016, and 2021 40th IBEW International Convention which will be held here in Chicago, speak volumes to the support and respect given to Sam by those whom he represented. Sam was promoted to Assistant Business Manager on August 5th, 2019.

While we will miss Sam's dedication and positive attitude, all of us at the Local 15 Office would like to wish Sam and his family a long and healthy Retirement. If you see him before he departs, please take the time to shake his hand and wish him well!

Chris Riser
President / Business Manager / Financial Secretary
Ben Busser
Vice President / Senior Assistant Business Manager

IBEW LOCAL 15 | 6330 Belmont Road,  Suite 1 | Downers Grove,  IL 60516

Union Office - (630) 515-0381 | Union Fax - (630) 515-0835

© 2025 by IBEW Local 15 - All Rights Reserved

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