Congratulations to (Pictured Below) Oscar Ramirez, Ethan Pipitone, Rafael Cruz, Steven Fister, Jonathan Johnson, William Matte, Tyler Metzger, Moises Munoz, Antonio Ocasio, Jorge Pantoja, John Piotter, Theo Reynolds, Joshua Ryan, Nicholas Scotti, Awan Smith, Andrew Wojtas, Anthony Anichini, Jacob Casey, Stephen Cotham, James David, Connor Goodman, Michael Grossklaus, Joshua Harjung, Chris Kolota, Thomas Lear, Daniel McDonald, Nickolas Medina, Justin Moore, Joseph Morabito, Kevin Mordt, Daniel O’Dwyer, Matthew Rys, Jyles Shelton, Dillion Smith, Trevor Vaessen, Richard Vetter, Todd Byerly, Michael Kniffin, Christopher Maul, Anthony Ricchiuto, Kyle Smith, Armando Arreguin, Devin Bales, Jacob Bettner, Robert Blanchard-Coles, DaJuan Boyce, Coleman Braden, Jacob Bremer, LaVon Brown, Gregory Butler, Matthew Carroll, Ethan Clayton, Joseph Coleman, Ramon Delvalle, Daryonte Gaines-Walker, Qwade Gehring, Sam Holmes.

Overhead Starter Job Duties:
Under direct supervision, as a member of a field crew, to perform construction, repair, and maintenance work on de-energized transmission and distribution equipment, and on overhead energized equipment not exceeding 500 volts, including work in vaults and manholes; and to perform related work as assigned.
Typical examples of the duties are:
1. To perform construction, repair, and maintenance work on the overhead transmission and distribution and underground residential type distribution systems, installing, removing and framing poles, installing and removing lines, cables and other equipment, and performing work in vaults, and manholes not immediately adjacent to energized primary equipment.
2. To install service cables on poles, and arms, or stringers, and in trenches, and in connection therewith, to install bushings and cleats, to train cables, to dead-end wires, to splice, terminate, and connect URD cables; to test polarity, and to perform work on conductors such as skinning, applying connectors or lugs and insulating.
3. To perform work on customers’ premises such as installing, removing, or transferring service wires, and brackets; making temporary installations of brackets; and other similar work.
4. As instructed, to drive a truck or truck and trailer, to operate take-off or trailer-mounted equipment; to control the fall-line in the operation of the power device used for hoisting and lowering large or heavy equipment on poles or structures.