Congratulations!!! -
Alexis Rodriguez, Cody Gunnell, Zachary Mullany, Saul Vargas, Willie Hunt, Joshua Harrison, Emilio Nunez, Adam Eichelberger, Jesus Renteria, Peter Stewart, Benjamin Barmore, Gregory Cholewinski, Daniel DaLuga, Vincent Distasio, Bryce Erbes, Cade Feilen, Brian Feiner, William Flanagan, Aaron Fluhler, Jeffrey Gilstead, Steven Heelein, Robert Herman, Alexander Hernandez, Jacob Hilkin, Alan Hopp, Ovidio Jasso, Jaime Jimenez, Joshua Keane, Cody Kellor, Tyler Lemus, Joseph Lindeman, Timothy Mayer, Matthew Oertel, Michael Preston, Reid Ruckebeil, Adrian Ruiz, Lewis Stasell, Timmie Walton, Frank Baley, Nathan Brown, Cody Collins, James Cowles, Ashton Dahl, Darryl Dunn, Drew Eckhoff, Luke Eggenberger, Samuel Forsythe, Gerardo Fraire, Aaron Furgat, Nicholas Gawrysiak, Roberto Gomez, Dillon Hallin, Kyle Harris, Jesse Irvine, Tyler Landgraf, Lamonte Lay, Jeremy Lecuru, and Jose Machuca.
On Friday, August 16th, 58 IBEW Local 15 Apprentices Graduated Overhead 3 Phase School at
Rockford, Chicago and Joliet Training Centers.
Rockford Training Center

Joliet Training Center

Chicago Training Center

Overhead Electrician Job Duties -
1. To install, remove or relocate line equipment
2. To install and maintain line equipment or underground cables.
3. To work on the pole in making preparation for work operations such as installing safety equipment on conductors, hoisting and installing blocks, risers and booms, and installing temporary rigging and weather enclosures.
4. On pole installation, replacement and relocation work to perform such operations as lashing poles, temporarily guying poles, removing and installing arms and braces, transferring line and service wires, transferring transformers providing temporary supports for cables, pipes, potheads and conductors.
5. As instructed, to drive a truck or truck and trailer; to operate power take-off or trailer-mounted equipment; to control the fall line in the operation of the power device used for hoisting and lowering large or heavy equipment on poles or structures; and to operate excavating equipment.
6. To perform service restoration, work such as cutting lines in the clear, removing foreign objects from lines, replacing fuses, reinstalling and connection primary, secondary and services wires, lashing, bracing or guying poles; under the direction of a man of higher grade, to perform switching operations.
7. To perform work on transmission line towers such as installing temporary staging, pulling conductors to tension, attaching lines to insulators, washing insulators, operating live-line tools, installing pole-top switches, patrolling transmission lines and visually observing for sources of trouble and performing grounding operations and, very infrequently, to perform work from suspension ladders or a boatswain’s chair.
8. Occasionally, to perform such work as installing multiconductor lead-covered cables overhead, using a trolley-chair; testing resistance of ground rods and thawing water pipes.
9. Occasionally, to clean transformer vaults by dusting, sweeping and removing accumulations of dirt.
10. As assigned, to work with an inspector, overhead, and make inspections, as instructed, of poles, hardware, arms, conductors, pothead and transformer connections and other such equipment on overhead lines.
11. Occasionally, to perform repair work on pothead equipment, such as replacing front entrance plates, and covers on four conductors, air break potheads.