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Meet Local 15 Stewards

Heath Messman

Heath started at Powerton Generating Station on 3-27-06 as a Laborer keeping the coal handling areas cleaned. He moved to Waukegan Generating Station in October of 2006 as part of a program to expand operators in preparation for the mass retirement that was on the verge of happening. In October of 2007 he was able to return home to Powerton Station after the decommissioning of Unit 6. He moved into the Unit Operator Group on 8-26-13 and still works there today. Heath became a steward in October of 2017 and the chief steward in 2019. He has participated in Local 15 steward school and University of Illinois Arbitration School. Along with his other responsibilities he makes time to be the unit chair at the Powerton Unit Meeting. In his free time, he enjoys farming with his parents, along with homebrewing beer and wine.

Stan Bush

Stan Started with the company at Byron Station in May of 2008 as a “B” Radiation Protection Technician. He then promoted to “A” Radiation Protection Technician in March of 2010. Stan became a Steward for Local 15 in July of 2014 which he held until becoming a Chief Steward in January of 2016. While representing the members of Local 15 at Byron Station he attended the RENEW conference, Nuclear Conference, Utility workers Coalition, Local 15 Stewards School, and University of Illinois Arbitration School.

Stan has lived in Byron, Illinois all his life. He has been married for 10 years to Jenell and they have 2 boys Kohen, 7 and Kaden, 4. Staying active in their lives with every sport imaginable is where he spends his free time. Right now, its football for Kohen and soccer for Kaden. He volunteers as an assistant coach for baseball in the spring and soccer in the fall. Along with those activities the family spends time in the summer traveling with the camper, boating and fishing.

Chris Davis

Originally from the south side of Chicago’s west pullman neighborhood, Chris later moved to the south suburbs of Chicago where he currently resides. Chris is married with two daughters in high school. Some of his hobbies include bowling , boxing, and chess . Chris started his 24 year ComEd journey as a meter reader at Chicago South headquarters in June of 1999. He went to overhead electrician basic line school in April of 2000. He completed his apprenticeship at Libertyville headquarters in 2002. Chris made 3 phase Lineman at Chicago south headquarters where he further developed his skills with gloving technique ,ripping poles, setting poles in tight spaces ,and working with antiquated equipment still on the system . After 8 years at Chicago South Chris lateraled to University Park furthering his URD, rear lot and 34kv experience. He remained in UPA for 5 years until he took an OH Crew Leader promotion back to Chicago south in 2015. On July 1st of this year Chris took over as steward for Tyrone Hamilton as he was appointed to Chief after Scott Hasman stepped down. “I am happy to help represent and defend the interest of the union and my fellow union employees while hopefully maintaining a good rapport with management.”

Chris Riser
President / Business Manager / Financial Secretary
Ben Busser
Vice President / Senior Assistant Business Manager

IBEW LOCAL 15 | 6330 Belmont Road,  Suite 1 | Downers Grove,  IL 60516

Union Office - (630) 515-0381 | Union Fax - (630) 515-0835

© 2025 by IBEW Local 15 - All Rights Reserved

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