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Local 15 Reaches Agreement for Fleet Services support of OHT

After approximately two years of negotiations Local 15 has reached agreement with ComEd on the use of Fleet Services to support the Overhead Transmission Department on a full-time basis. Working out issues related to job duties, staffing, alternate support, 10-hour workdays, overtime/Valtin obligations and the additive for performing the work proved to be difficult. Language on overtime boundaries and callout issues were also hammered out. Thanks to the persistent efforts of the Local 15 Representatives involved and the ComEd Managers we were able to reach agreement. The language was rolled out to the effected work force on July 13th and 14th, 2021. After discussions with the work group and a question-and-answer session, members voted. The final tally was counted by the Election Judge, Election Teller and Recording Secretary. They reported the totals of 71 "yes" votes and 20 "no" votes thus the agreement was ratified.

Local 15 thanks Tom Flores (Judge), Tim Toussaint (Teller) and Lisa Sims (Recording Secretary) - pictured above - for their assistance in the process. Assistant Business Manager/Business Representative Sam Studer, Business Representatives Ralph Trentadue, Chris Riser and Mark Shaulis spent numerous hours working on this agreement. They are all in agreement that it was a good document and will help serve the needs of the OHT workforce going forward while cleaning up the process used by Fleet Services to provide the needs of the group. President and Business Manager Terry McGoldrick commented that he was pleased with the outcome and the final product.

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