On Sunday, October 1st we held the Inaugural IBEW Local 15 Charity Golf Outing at Ruffled Feathers Golf Club in Lemont, Il. The event was a huge success.
The chosen Charity was CAL’S ANGELS, a non-profit organization supporting pediatric cancer. CAL’S ANGELS grants wishes, funds research and raises awareness for kids and their families battling cancer.
Less than 2 weeks after registration was opened on the Local 15 Website, the Outing was full with 144 golfers. We thankfully had 27 businesses donate sponsorship for the outing, providing funds for food, drinks and donations for raffles and silent auctions.
The day started at 7:30am with the golfers checking in at the registration table in front of the club house. Golfing began with a shotgun start at 9am. On the course the golfers were challenged with “Beat the Pro”, “Ring of Fire”, “Longest Drive” and “Closest to the pin”; they also met with several sponsors and were visited by Local 15 staff.
Golfing was over by 2pm, followed by a dinner in the club house. Local 15 President, Chris Riser, thanked the members for participating in the outing and supporting such a great cause. He expressed the importance of getting Local 15 members together to create comradery and a sense of Union Pride. Chris also announced the golf groups with the 3 best scores. The 3rd Place Team was Brett Lehrke, Mike Snyder, Mike Malchahy and Shawn Tracy from ComEd Overhead West Region. There was a tie for 1st Place at 14 under! The two teams had a putt off on the practice green to determine the winner. The 2nd Place Team was Jeremy Rainey, Bobby Diebold, Ryan Woulfe and Joe Messina from ComEd Overhead North Region. The 1st Place Team was Jimmy Glidic, Marc Gagliardo, Matt Curran and Andrew Curl from Constellation Generation Dresden Station.
(Pictured below) Stacey Vessel, a representative from CAL’S ANGELS gave a speech informing the members on how the money raised would be helping kids fighting cancer and their families.

On Thursday, October 12th (Pictured below) CAL’S ANGELS President, Stacey Wahlberg and Development Coordinator Stacey Vessell came to the Local 15 office to get a check for over $35,000!Those funds will Grant Wishes and provide Christmas presents for kids battling cancer. More to come on specific details on where the money is going. A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE OUTING! WE SHOULD ALL BE PROUD OF THIS EVENT AND THE IMPACT IT WILL MAKE ON THE LIVES OF THE KIDS AND FAMILIES SUPPORTED BY CAL’S ANGELS.