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Behavioral Based Safety Conference

IBEW Local 15 members Timmy Brown, Joe Dooley and Mindy Himes attended the Behavior Based Safety conference on December 5th-9th 2022. Timmy, Joe & Mindy work at Kincaid Generating Station. The conference included Keynote Speaker, Brandon Schroeder who was severely burned in an ARC flash event. His presentation “Know the Risks of Short Cuts” tells a story of working on a live electrical feed due to time pressures and trying to get a job completed on a Friday afternoon. The Arc flash event nearly destroyed his family during his two-year rehabilitation of his hands and burns. The conference also included 24 breakout sessions on various safety topics and personal stories related to our industries. This Behavior Based Safety conference is unique in that the presenters are workers from the trades sharing actual events they have experienced.

Local 15 members Timmy Brown and Joe Dooley from Kincaid Power Station wrote and presented “Culture Shock”. Culture Shock gave a small glimpse of how our safety culture has changed from the start of the industrial revolution to what we share in today’s workplaces. Timmy & Joe shared how companies and workers have fought to hold control over safety standards throughout the years. And how today’s Behavior Based Safety culture has helped improve injury rates and has made our culture more about learning from events than blaming workers for mistakes. Then the presentation discussed how we continue to build onto this culture through Behavior Based Safety and some of the key principles of this culture. Key components of the presentation included the importance of managers listening to the craft to understand and improve real safety situations.

Thank you, Timmy Brown, Joe Dooley & Mindy Himes for your dedication to safety for your Brothers and Sisters at Kincaid Station.


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