Senior Assistant Business Manager Mike Freeman along with Business Representatives Fabian Vela and Lisa Sims were on site at Lincoln Center 2 Monday, January 22nd for the first return to office day for CSRs and CC1s. For some of these CSRs & CC1s this is the 1st time they have been back working on site since they started working remote due to Covid back in March of 2020. The company has decided to bring back all CSRs and CC1s for onsite work in preparation for the CC&B launch on 2/20/24. The call for all hands-on deck is to brace for the projected impact of the CC&B implementation. Also on site are the newly converted part timers who volunteered to be temporarily converted to full time CSRs. The company has stated that they are not interested in cancelling the Flexible Work Agreement, however they do want workers in high impact departments like the Care Center, in the office full time for the CC&B launch, to ensure the transition runs smoothly, to minimize impact to customers & to ensure employees have support readily available. Given the significance of this transition, the company’s stance is that it will be best to have everyone working onsite full-time where hands-on support will be readily available to ensure the conversion from CIMS to CC&B is as smooth of an experience as possible. The company has stated that they do not know exactly how long each department will work onsite. This will be determined by how well the new system operates and how quickly each department is able to return to standard operating performance.